I'll tell you why I love these guys right off the bat. They look like they all work together at an auto shop and all of a sudden decided to start a band. Just playing music on their free time after fixing Karen's SUV after she ran over a few political signs for kicks. These guys look like blue collar regular Joes and I wouldn't doubt they go bowling together too. From their Bio:
LUNAR URGE is a three piece rock n roll band based in Tallahassee FL. Playing a variety of originals and uptempo rock covers, we focus on promoting a party atmosphere and good times! We hope to see you soon!
Short and sweet. I love it. You think they have time to write some long ass bio about themselves that makes it sound like they're the greatest things since the bacon cheeseburger? Hell no! Short, sweet, and back to the garage to fix Chad's Hummer. Rock on guys