The newest nostalgia bait for millennials has arrived on Disney+, and it is GOOD. To the surprise of many, "X-Men '97"--a direct sequel to the Fox Kids cartoon from the 90s--has debuted to critical success. As of this writing, the two episode premiere has amassed four million streams and holds a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 100%, making it the most positively reviewed streaming show thus far in 2024.
Without delving into spoiler territory, the show picks up shortly after the series finale of the 90's cartoon. The first episode feels like seeing an old friend again. The animation is modern yet familiar, and many of the original voice actors return to reprise their roles. The biggest bonus of all? The theme song we all know and love has returned as a slick remix. By the time episode two rolls on, we get the big picture that although these are the same characters we love and remember, there are going to be some big surprises ahead.
If you are a fan of the original 90s show, or a Marvel fan in general, you probably had some understandable skepticism going in. You might have been "as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs", as Rogue famously quipped. But trust me, give this show a chance. It is a perfect balance of nostalgia & new material, and that makes this fan Xtremely Xcited.
"X-Men '97" is now streaming on Disney+.
Photo: David Peperkamp / iStock Editorial / Getty Images